Best Outdoor Music Venue in North Atlanta

Alpharetta, GA is home to the 12,000 seat Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre at Encore Park. 7,000 of the seats are under roof and 5,000 seats are on the lawn. Set on 45 beautifully landscaped acres surrounded by woods and native plants, the park-like amphitheater is popular for music lovers.
Verizon Amphitheater
The acoustics are excellent, the food and drink options are plentiful, staff is friendly and helpful, and the location is superb, with easy access to and from the event, without the major traffic jams common to many music metro Atlanta venues. The musical lineup includes everything from classic rock artists from the 1960’s and 1970’s to modern country and pop artists. For venue and event information, visit
Verizon Amphitheater concert