The Path Way: Our Custom Process to Help You Win

The Path Way

One of the most common misconceptions about selecting a real estate agent is that they’re all the same. While it is true that some agents offer similar services and perform common tasks, the difference-makers have a proven process, a track record of results, and raving fans. 

Here at Path & Post, we designed a custom process to help you win in any market.

We call it The Path Way, and it’s three simple steps: Discover, Plan, & Guide.

The Path Way Exemplifies Simple Sophistication

We worked hard to simplify the process and allow your unique situation and priorities to shape the ultimate direction of our strategies. We work hard to ensure we offer real estate services that put your priorities ahead of our own; not every agent can claim this level of integrity or effort.


We start with a conversation about why you are moving. We listen & ask questions.

We want to understand the life transition that’s prompting you to consider a move in the first place. An average agent may be focused on the transaction from the start. Once we know your story, we can learn about your specific priorities and unique situation.


Your priorities and our strategies are combined into a plan to optimize your results.

We’ve found four key priorities that tend to matter most to buyers and sellers. The order often varies based on your unique situation and reasons for moving. We listen & prioritize what’s most important to you, whether it’s time, money, certainty, or convenience.


Your Strategic Guide will protect you along the path from negotiation to closing while working to ensure you win in the current market.

Your professional agent will use a combination of strategy & data to win negotiations for you. We know the best contract terms & stipulations to protect you. We have solutions for unique situations, such as multiple offer scenarios and winning both rounds of negotiations (yes, there are almost always two rounds of negotiations). Once we’ve won the offer for you, expect the best guidance for selecting the best finance solution, navigating contingencies, protecting earnest money, completing due diligence, and closing with terms that benefit you!

When it comes to buying or selling real estate in North Atlanta, you deserve better than an average agent. Seek a Strategic Guide from Path & Post!